Opening Night

Magic Mall
April 1-3, 2022
Friday Night – Sunday Night
6:30 pm
Friday | Saturday | Sunday
Salvation USA
Join us for a 3-night Gospel Crusade in Orlando, FL!
This is a FREE three-night Gospel Crusade that will feature LIVE worship each night from various worship groups, a Gospel message from Evangelist Chris Mikkelson and nightly giveaways!
We’re expecting mass-salvations, healings, and will have an area for on-site water baptisms! Join us each night and bring a friend to share the Good News! You do not want to miss this EPIC event!
Our ministry exists to the message of salvation to the lost, broken and hurting in the USA and around the world. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:2,
“Behold, now is the acceptable time, behold NOW is the day of Salvation.”
As we talk with people about Jesus on the streets of Orlando and around America, many people know next to nothing about Jesus, let alone the Gospel. With depression, crime, suicide and many other issues running rampant in our country right now, we believe the time is NOW to reach the lost with the message of salvation.
Partner with us to bring salvation to thousands of people in the USA with the gospel of Jesus Christ. NOW is the time of Salvation!
Reinhard Bonke
Daniel Kolenda
Daniel Kolenda
Nathan Morris
Nathan Morris
Carl Stephens
Carl Stephens
Bernie Moore
Bernie Moore
Orlando Gospel Crusade
Register For SalvationUSA.
We need as many VOLUNTEERS as we can due to the large amount of people we’re expecting!
Donate Now
Thank you for helping us reach the unreached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
All donations are tax-deductible.
Ministry Updates
Stay updated with our ministry as we travel the world preaching the Gospel and saving souls by signing up to receive field updates, prayer points and Chris’ latest teachings.
Chris Mikkelson Evangelistic Ministries
PO Box 771102 Orlando, FL 32877
Contact Form
WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! Send us a message.